Mar del Valle | Queen of Wands
  • Ilustración en blanco y negro representando a la Reina de Bastos del Tarot. En este caso es una mujer blanca con media melena negra, de frente, en la mano derecha sostiene un girasol, en su mano izquierda sostiene un báculo-rama salpicado de hojas. Viste una túnica griega larga, diversas piezas de joyería, y una hombrera, un collar y brazaletes de metal. Es orgullosa, poderosa, resolutiva y hermosa. A varios centímetros sobre su cabeza, hay una pequeña corona roja. --- Black and white illustration of the Queen of Wands of Tarot. In this case, she is a white woman facing forwards. She has shoulder-lenght black hair, in her right hand she holds a sunflower, in her left hand she holds a staff-branch dotted with leaves. She is wearing a long Greek tunic, various pieces of jewelry and chains, and a shoulder pad, necklace, and bracelets all made of metal. She is proud, powerful, determined, and beautiful. Several inches above her head, there is a small red crown.

  • 16 Jul

  • Mar del Valle